Rose’s Blog
Rose loves writing and has written numerous blog articles about art disciplines, art therapy & creative counselling and more. She is continually updating her blog with informative content. View her blog posts today and get informed.

January 2, 2022
My Art Therapy Journey
Many people know the term Art Therapy, but few understand the depth and breadth of the discipline. Art therapy can range from colouring in ready-made images for pleasure and relaxation to a deep pl…

January 4, 2022
My Soul is the Thing with Feathers
My soul is the thing with feathers (with apologies to Emily Dickinson)
How tuned in and serendipitous is the creative unconscious! This collage was done in 2018, long before this morning when I he…
Rose’s Blog
Rose loves writing and has written numerous blog articles about art disciplines, art therapy & creative counselling and more. She is continually updating her blog with informative content. View her blog posts today and get informed.

January 2, 2022
My Art Therapy Journey
Many people know the term Art Therapy, but few understand the depth and breadth of the discipline. Art therapy can range from colouring in ready-made images for pleasure and relaxation to a deep pl…

January 4, 2022
My Soul is the Thing with Feathers
My soul is the thing with feathers (with apologies to Emily Dickinson)
How tuned in and serendipitous is the creative unconscious! This collage was done in 2018, long before this morning when I he…