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Art Class Sunshine Coast

Rose’s Art Classes

Rose Clarke has taught an abundance of art classes and workshops that span topics such as poetry, meditation, Inner I, mixed media, and yoga. Feel free to view her extensive list of past classes and future workshops today.

Lady painting in studio Art Class sunshine coast

Art Class Sunshine Coast

Rose’s Art Classes

Rose Clarke has taught an abundance of art classes and workshops that span topics such as poetry, meditation, Inner I, mixed media, and yoga. Feel free to view her extensive list of past classes and future workshops today.

Lady painting in studio Art Class sunshine coast
  • Art palette on white table Art Class Sunshine Coast

    Book your sunshine coast art class today

    Art Classes that Speak to Your Soul.

  • Art palette on white table Art Class Sunshine Coast

    Book your sunshine coast art class today

    Art Classes that Speak to Your Soul.

Current Classes & Workshops

Current Classes & Workshops

Sunday April 21 2024

Art for the Inner I – Intuitive Portraits

Art for the Inner I – Intuitive Portraits painting

Date: Sunday April 21, 2024
Time: 2 – 4:30 pm

In this workshop, we will use INsight, INtuition & IMAGination to create meaningful, unusual, powerful self portraits and portraits of others. You will be guided through a series of simple fun processes to help dismantle fixed viewpoints on what makes a ‘good or successful’ portrait and free up your inherent creative artistic abilities, using feelings, memories, imagination and senses.

2024 Workshops
Sunday April 21 2024

Art for the Inner I – Intuitive Portraits

Art for the Inner I – Intuitive Portraits paintin

Date: Sunday April 21, 2024
Time: 2 – 4:30 pm

In this workshop, we will use INsight, INtuition & IMAGination to create meaningful, unusual, powerful self portraits and portraits of others. You will be guided through a series of simple fun processes to help dismantle fixed viewpoints on what makes a ‘good or successful’ portrait and free up your inherent creative artistic abilities, using feelings, memories, imagination and senses.

2015 Workshops

Past Classes & Workshops

Past Classes & Workshops

Nov 12 2023

Art for the Inner I: Inner Visions

Workshop photo Nov 12, 2023 at the Arts Building, Art for the Inner I:Inner Visions taught by Rose Clarke

Date: Nov 12, 2023
Time: 2 – 4:30 pm
Cost $60
All basic materials supplied.

Art for the Inner I presents a winter workshop to awaken the light inside in this season of darkness. We will use exercises to access and activate the whole brain/ body, not just the visual field, to create powerful personal imagery that comes from the inside out. We will work with eyes open and closed, with senses and movement, with intuitive mark making and the alchemy of colour using a variety of media, including water based paint and collage.

2023 Workshops
Nov 12 2023

Art for the Inner I: Inner Visions

Lady meditating in dark room

Date: Nov 12, 2023
Time: 2 – 4:30 pm
Cost $60
All basic materials supplied.

Art for the Inner I presents a winter workshop to awaken the light inside in this season of darkness. We will use exercises to access and activate the whole brain/ body, not just the visual field, to create powerful personal imagery that comes from the inside out. We will work with eyes open and closed, with senses and movement, with intuitive mark making and the alchemy of colour using a variety of media, including water based paint and collage.

2015 Workshops
Spring 2023

The Secret World of Colour Part 1

Unicorn Painting Sharpened Rectangle Eventbrite by Rose Clarke

Art for the Inner I workshops resumed in 2022 and are ongoing 2-3 times a year. Explore the magic of intuitive colour to access the language of archetypes and the non verbal language of Soul.

Winter 2022

The Secret World of Colour Part 2

Unicorn Painting Sharpened Rectangle Eventbrite by Rose Clarke

Art for the Inner I workshops resumed in 2022 and are ongoing 2-3 times a year. Explore the magic of intuitive colour to access the language of archetypes and the non verbal language of Soul.

2022-2023 Workshops
Spring 2023

The Secret World of Colour Part 1

Unicorn Painting Sharpened Rectangle Eventbrite by Rose Clarke

Art for the Inner I workshops resumed in 2022 and are ongoing 2-3 times a year. Explore the magic of intuitive colour to access the language of archetypes and the non verbal language of Soul.

Winter 2022

The Secret World of Colour Part 1

Unicorn Painting Sharpened Rectangle Eventbrite by Rose Clarke

Art for the Inner I workshops resumed in 2022 and are ongoing 2-3 times a year. Explore the magic of intuitive colour to access the language of archetypes and the non verbal language of Soul.

2018-2019 Workshops
Spring 2019

Diving Deep

Swimmer Diving Art Class Sunshine Coast

A personal exploration of images and symbols that arise from the authentic creative self.

May 6 2018

Secret Gardens

Secret garden

Explore your inner sanctuary of transformation and healing.

2018-2019 Workshops
Spring 2019

Diving Deep

Swimmer Diving Art Class Sunshine Coast

A personal exploration of images and symbols that arise from the authentic creative self.

May 6 2018

Secret Gardens

Secret garden

Explore your inner sanctuary of transformation and healing.

2018-2019 Workshops
Nov 5 2017

Creating Harmony & Balance with Art & Yoga

Lady doing yoga Art Class sunshine coast

(with Shanti Sue Whitlock)

Oct 2 & Nov 6 2016

Art for the Inner I: Inside Outside & Mixed Media 101

Mixed media art piece art class sunshine coast
2016-2017 Workshops
Nov 5 2017

Creating Harmony & Balance with Art & Yoga

Lady doing yoga Art Class sunshine coast

(with Shanti Sue Whitlock)

Oct 2 & Nov 6 2016

Art for the Inner I: Inside Outside & Mixed Media 101

Mixed media art piece art class sunshine coast
2016-2017 Workshops
Winter 2016

Art for the Inner I: Meditating with Artmaking

Woman meditating art class sunshine coast
A practical hands-on class to deepen and support both your mindfulness/meditation practice and your artmaking. Artmaking and meditation are a beautiful combination! Meditative artmaking reduces stress, enhances concentration and promotes a feeling of flow and wellbeing.

Meditative Art brings you into the present moment, makes you aware and attentive, peaceful and quiet, connecting to your larger, more spacious Self.

Slowing down by using breathing and body awareness to relax pressures and judgements, you will learn to make artistic images that are unique and authentic, that help you tune in to your inner self and its needs, let go of what is extraneous, experience the pleasure of play, and cultivate harmony inside and out. A range of colourful inspiring 2D and 3D materials are provided for you.

2016 Workshops
Winter 2016

Art for the Inner I: Meditating with Artmaking

Woman meditating art class sunshine coast
A practical hands-on class to deepen and support both your mindfulness/meditation practice and your artmaking. Artmaking and meditation are a beautiful combination! Meditative artmaking reduces stress, enhances concentration and promotes a feeling of flow and wellbeing.

Meditative Art brings you into the present moment, makes you aware and attentive, peaceful and quiet, connecting to your larger, more spacious Self.

Slowing down by using breathing and body awareness to relax pressures and judgements, you will learn to make artistic images that are unique and authentic, that help you tune in to your inner self and its needs, let go of what is extraneous, experience the pleasure of play, and cultivate harmony inside and out. A range of colourful inspiring 2D and 3D materials are provided for you.

2016 Workshops
Nov 1 2015

Footprints on the Trail

Lady meditating in dark room
Map the movements of the ever creative ‘Inner I’. Using simple techniques adapted from the vast array of therapeutic art activities, we will follow the tracks of the inner self.

These are aesthetic expressions of symbols and feelings that live in you. You’ll learn to see your visual images as teachers and guides rather than objects for critique.

This course is for all skill levels – professional artists as well as those with no experience at all. There will be a range of colourful 2-D and 3-D materials to inspire and delight you.

2015 Workshops
Nov 1 2015

Footprints on the Trail

Lady meditating in dark room
Map the movements of the ever creative ‘Inner I’. Using simple techniques adapted from the vast array of therapeutic art activities, we will follow the tracks of the inner self.

These are aesthetic expressions of symbols and feelings that live in you. You’ll learn to see your visual images as teachers and guides rather than objects for critique.

This course is for all skill levels – professional artists as well as those with no experience at all. There will be a range of colourful 2-D and 3-D materials to inspire and delight you.

2015 Workshops
Nov 22 2015

What is Beauty? Is it Truth?

writing book in garden art class sunshine coast
Inspired by the wisdom of ancient and contemporary poets and spiritual teachers, explore the aesthetic dimensions of the 4 levels of beauty through your own unique visual language. Whether you’re a skilled artist or a complete beginner, you can deepen your understanding through this experiential process-oriented exploration.
May 3 2015

The Art of Visual Poetry

Book of poetry with roses
“A picture speaks a thousand words”. Through simple yet powerful art therapy practices, bring out what lives inside you longing to be expressed. As you learn to understand your unique visual language, your creations help nourish and heal your inner self. A range of media are provided to inspire you. The workshop is designed for any skill level.
2015 Workshops
Nov 22 2015

What is Beauty? Is it Truth?

writing book in garden art class sunshine coast
Inspired by the wisdom of ancient and contemporary poets and spiritual teachers, explore the aesthetic dimensions of the 4 levels of beauty through your own unique visual language. Whether you’re a skilled artist or a complete beginner, you can deepen your understanding through this experiential process-oriented exploration.
May 3 2015

The Art of Visual Poetry

Book of poetry with roses
“A picture speaks a thousand words”. Through simple yet powerful art therapy practices, bring out what lives inside you longing to be expressed. As you learn to understand your unique visual language, your creations help nourish and heal your inner self. A range of media are provided to inspire you. The workshop is designed for any skill level.
2015 Workshops
Apr 6 2014

Art of the Inner I : Art of the Carousel – Inner I Out in the World

Carousel with blue sky art class sunshine coast

Take a journey through the Carousel, a rich and playful Adlerian exercise in which you explore your relationship with others. We will also explore hands as they symbolize your relationship with the world. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your own authentic aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.

May 4 2014

Art of the Inner I : Life Journey Dolls and Tiny Shrines

Little buddha figurine
A tactile workshop making 3D figurines, also known as Journey Dolls, and inspiring comforting miniature altars that you can fit in a pocket. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your own unique aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.
2014 Workshops
Apr 6 2014

Art of the Inner I : Art of the Carousel – Inner I Out in the World

Carousel with blue sky art class sunshine coast

Take a journey through the Carousel, a rich and playful Adlerian exercise in which you explore your relationship with others. We will also explore hands as they symbolize your relationship with the world. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your own authentic aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.

May 4 2014

Art of the Inner I : Life Journey Dolls and Tiny Shrines

Little buddha figurine
A tactile workshop making 3D figurines, also known as Journey Dolls, and inspiring comforting miniature altars that you can fit in a pocket. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your own unique aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.
2014 Workshops
June 8, 2014

Art for the Inner I: Tree of Life – Drawing on the Body

Woman posing on black background art class sunshine coast
An exploration of the beauty, wisdom and understanding of the body, using a combination of Kabalah and life sized artmaking. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your authentic aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.
Oct – Nov 2013

Art for the Inner I – 4 Workshops (see below)

Using simple techniques adapted from the vast array of therapeutic art activities, we will open the door to creative exploration of the rich world of the “inner I”. You’ll learn to notice and reflect on the unique symbolic expressions that arise from inside you, as you develop ways of looking at and talking about your visual images that are not based on critiquing or judging.
2013-2014 Workshops
June 8, 2014

Art for the Inner I: Tree of Life – Drawing on the Body

Woman posing on black background art class sunshine coast
An exploration of the beauty, wisdom and understanding of the body, using a combination of Kabalah and life sized artmaking. You will be guided to deepen your understanding of your authentic aesthetic and symbolic sense in a non-critical way.
Oct – Nov 2013

Art for the Inner I – 4 Workshops (see below)

Using simple techniques adapted from the vast array of therapeutic art activities, we will open the door to creative exploration of the rich world of the “inner I”. You’ll learn to notice and reflect on the unique symbolic expressions that arise from inside you, as you develop ways of looking at and talking about your visual images that are not based on critiquing or judging.
2013-2014 Workshops
Oct 20 2013

Inner I

abstract piece art class sunshine coast
Tune in to the voice and visions of your inner self through easy yet profound explorations using a variety of art media.
Oct 27 2013

Circles and Spirals

white spiral picture
Explore your inner world and life’s journey using the organic forms of mandala and labyrinth as way to relax and to listen within.
2013 Workshops
Oct 20 2013

Inner I

abstract piece art class sunshine coast
Tune in to the voice and visions of your inner self through easy yet profound explorations using a variety of art media.
Oct 27 2013

Circles and Spirals

white spiral picture
Explore your inner world and life’s journey using the organic forms of mandala and labyrinth as way to relax and to listen within.
2013 Workshops
Nov 10, 2013

Altered Books

book on brown table art class sunshine coast
Weave your own story into existing texts and images, using the ancient practice of palimpsest as a creative tool.
Nov 17 2013

Prayer Flags

prayer flags overlooking mountain
Create your own unique prayer flags, using images and words to express your own aspirations and inspirations.
2013 Workshops
Nov 10, 2013

Altered Books

book on brown table art class sunshine coast
Weave your own story into existing texts and images, using the ancient practice of palimpsest as a creative tool.
Nov 17 2013

Prayer Flags

prayer flags overlooking mountain
Create your own unique prayer flags, using images and words to express your own aspirations and inspirations.
2013 Workshops

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